March 1, 2010

Counting of cells with text alone

If we have both text and numeric values in a range of cells and if you would like to count the cells with the text, we can do that below is the formula and the example for this scenario.

In the above example, we have a range of cells with numeric, text and blank cells and we had calculated the count of cells those have the text values.

We used two formulas to get the answer, 1st we have calculated the count of cells those have any value (i.e. irrespective of type (numeric/text)) by using =COUNTA(A1:A11), then we have calculated the cells with numeric values, using COUNT(A1:A11) and finally we have subtracted the answer of 1st formula with the answer of 2nd formula. The formula we used is =COUNTA(A1:A11)-COUNT(A1:A11).

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